Lets look at a few of my buys that I have sold for a profit Lately!
Kitchen Radio $5 sold for $30
Lots of .25-.50 clothes
Selling these between $7 and $12 on eBay!
Coach duffel $7 sold $20!
TV for computer $1 sold $15
Freezer $75 used 3 1/2 years sold $80 SCORE!
Never could get a good picture but
I bought this watch brand new for $5
Sold for $75!
I also had a Yard sale for a few hours and made about
$100 on random coupon stuff Nobody bought any of my other junk
I think I sold on shirt for a quarter. Needless to say we packed up early.
You do so good at that.
I didn't find any good re-sell type items at the yard sale(s) we went to this weekend.
And, I've been working on cleaning out some stuff from my house, and everything I check on ebay to see if anyone would be interested in buying, 0 Bids on everything.
I listed some things on Craigslist, too, and not a bit of interest.
I remember back when you could sell pretty much anything on ebay, and me and my sister would g yard-saleing about every Friday. I sure do miss those days sometimes.
Ya I hope I keep getting lucky on the eBay thing it is helping me out a lot these days!
Looks like you're doing pretty well to me. Excellent work on having a good eye for items that will sell well. I used to buy stuff at garage sales and then re-sell the items on ebay. I once purchased a bunch of clothing from a woman; they were all high-end business suits from NY. I paid $5 for each of them and sold them for $80 a piece. That was super fun. I also used to purchase items off of ebay and then repost the items and make a profit (mainly folks that had taken horrible pictures of their items or the items were marketed terribly). I made a nice little profit and it was fun. :) Keep up the good work!
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